Session Track
November 01 (Wednesday)
바이오공학부문 포스터
3층 로비,
- 신현정(KAIST), 조영삼(원광대), 김성진(건국대), 양성욱(KIST)
3차원 광 결정 기반 사용자 편의적 고감도 influenza virus A 검출
This paper proposed a highly sensitive and user-friendly airborne virus detection method using emission light guidance of 3D photonic crystal (PC) cooperated with Qdot(quantum dot)-aptamer beacon. The proposed biosensor with 3D nanoporous structure has various advantages, such as low-cost, easy-to-use, high sensitive detection and low instrument demand. In addition, output signal can be enhanced through emission light guidance with the specific wave length, which can be engineered by changing nanopore size. Due to high signal-to-noise ratio, not only we can achieve high sensitivity (ultra-low limit of detection (LOD) of 138 pg/ml was obtained), but also high selectivity over other biomolecules. Additionally the target virus can be easily visualized and analyzed through with only a low-cost and portable setup about 20,000 won and a commercial iphone 7 camera.
Keywords : 3D Photonic Crystal(3차원 광 결정) , Light Guidance(광 가이드), Quantum Dot(양자점), Influenza Virus(인플루엔자바이러스), Biosensor(바이오센서)
Paper : We16D-31.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: