November 01 (Wednesday)
유체공학부문 포스터
3층 로비,
  • Chair :
  •  이상욱(울산대), 이덕규(기계연), 김성수(신라대), 허윤석(계명대)
선박용 질소발생장치 효율 증대를 위한 mixing chamber 설계 변경 방안 연구

유찬욱, 최주형, 김정환(한국조선해양기자재연구원), 신원협(엔케이), 류영춘(선일계전), 이경우(토탈솔루션), 김정렬(한국조선해양기자재연구원)
Petroleums or chemical cargo transported Tankers are have to be installed inert gas system to prevent explosion. Inert gas system is to ensure that less than 5% the oxygen content in the cargo tanks condition to avoid the explosion range. In the nitrogen generation type inert gas system, the flow control within the 'Mixing Chamber' has more effect of the overall N2 ratio. In this paper, study for N2 ratio rise method by mixing chamber's inner design change use computational analysis methods.
Keywords : Inert gas system(불활성가스 장치), N2 generator(질소발생장치), mixing chamber(혼합 챔버), O2 content(산소 농도), N2 ratio (질소 비율)
Paper : We16E-19.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: