Session Track
November 03 (Friday)
생산 및 설계공학부문 포스터
3층 로비,
- 김병철(한국기술교육대), 이봉기(전남대), 오유근(홍익대), 김현준(경북대), 이찬우(철도연)
RecurDyn®과 LabVIEW®기반 6축 수직 다관절로봇을 이용한 용접의 효율을 높이는 부가 축의 접목에 대한 연구
This paper aims to realize 2-axis additional axes, which increases processing efficiency of a robot by controlling in harmful environments or design fields beyond human reach. Ultimately, this is to create temporal and efficient profits in industrial processing sites including welding and assembling 6-axis articulated robot (RS2). Also, using RecurDynⓇ, a simulation-based technique is applied. And the motion paths of the welding rod will be compared for two cases in order to verify the necessity of the 2-axis additional axes: 1) when there are no 2-axis additional axes and 2) when there are 2-axis additional axes during welding using the RS2. For this purpose, the angle variations of RS2 axes required for a simulation are compared, on the assumption that each of the four points of the welding bed installed in the 2-axis additional axes of the welding rod in SolidWorksⓇ is point-welded. Then an actual 2-axis additional axes equipment will be grafted on to RS2 and the process times depending on the existence of 2-axis additional axes are compared using a PC-based robot control program, LabVIEWⓇ. The comparison will imply that grafting a 2-axis additional axes equipment on to a 6-axis articulated robot make it possible to control a robot easily, to decrease the process route and the process time drastically, and to maximize robot efficiency.
Keywords : 6-axis Articulated robot(6축 수직 다관절 로봇), 2-axis additional axes(2축 부가 축), welding process route(용접 공정 경로), welding process time(용접 공정 시간), RecurDyn®(리커다인), LabVIEW®(랩뷰)
Paper : Fr16B-28.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: