Session Track
November 02 (Thursday)
동역학 및 제어부문 포스터
3층 로비,
- 손정현(부경대), 안형준(숭실대), 임성진(서울과기대), 김건우(생기연)
OTPA분석을 통한 로봇 갠트리의 이송소음 분석
The robot gantry system is used in a wide range of industries as a system for transferring parts and modules at the manufacturing site. It is mainly installed in the engine and transmission assembly process due to the advantages of high-load transfer and high-speed transfer.
However, it is based on weight deflection and rail conveyance and induces noise in a closed workspace. In order to correct this noise, the development period is prolonged and the cost is increasing.
In this paper, the cause of the noise of the robot gantry was clarified by OTPA technology. First, 5 points 3-axis vibration signals that bearing housings attached to each four corners of a square baseplate and a center rack and pinion was measured in driven robot gantry in 3m height. Noise generated during operation of the robot was measured by mounting two intermediate points at a total transfer distance of 30m immediately below the rail. Information on the above vibration and noise was measured during driving of the robot gantry. We performed cross tallk cancellation and transfer pass synthesis based on the measured information and analyzed the contribution of triaxial vibration of five branch offices involved in transport, and found the cause of noise. In this study, we used PAK5.9 software MKⅡ hardware of Muller BBM to experiment.
However, it is based on weight deflection and rail conveyance and induces noise in a closed workspace. In order to correct this noise, the development period is prolonged and the cost is increasing.
In this paper, the cause of the noise of the robot gantry was clarified by OTPA technology. First, 5 points 3-axis vibration signals that bearing housings attached to each four corners of a square baseplate and a center rack and pinion was measured in driven robot gantry in 3m height. Noise generated during operation of the robot was measured by mounting two intermediate points at a total transfer distance of 30m immediately below the rail. Information on the above vibration and noise was measured during driving of the robot gantry. We performed cross tallk cancellation and transfer pass synthesis based on the measured information and analyzed the contribution of triaxial vibration of five branch offices involved in transport, and found the cause of noise. In this study, we used PAK5.9 software MKⅡ hardware of Muller BBM to experiment.
Keywords : Noise(소음) , OTPA(구동 중 전달경로분석법) , CTC(음향누화제거) , Robot gantry(로봇 겐트리)
Paper : Th16A-21.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: