Session Track
November 02 (Thursday)
동역학 및 제어부문 포스터
3층 로비,
- 손정현(부경대), 안형준(숭실대), 임성진(서울과기대), 김건우(생기연)
실시간 차량 모델을 위한 안정적인 내재적 적분기 연구
A real-time vehicle dynamics model is an essential component for Hardware-in-the loop and Operator-in-the loop simulations. For the real-time vehicle dynamics analysis, solution stability is rather important than the solution accuracy. Thus, it is necessary to apply implicit integrators to the real-time vehicle model for the stable solution. In this paper, HHT- α implicit integration method has been applied. For real-time analyses require the same amount of computational time for each integration step, an integration method which does not require iterative procedure was developed through the linearization procedure of the equations of motion. The proposed method is applied to the trailing arm type suspension subsystem in order to verify the effectiveness of the method.
Keywords : real-time vehicle dynamics model(실시간 차량 동역학 모델), implicit integrator(내재적 적분기), HHT-α method, multibody systems(다물체 시스템)
Paper : Th16A-12.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: