Session Track
November 03 (Friday)
바이오 모델링 및 시뮬레이션
- 구승범(중앙대)
탄성 보행 모델을 이용한 보행 전주기의 발 궤적 생성
Compliant walking model can describe dynamics of human center of mass (COM) by considering stance leg as spring. The model can plan the trajectory of COM in bipedal robotics. However, the trajectory of foot cannot be determined by the model, because the model does not have swing leg. Thus, to predict the next foot position, compliant walking model with rigid swing leg was proposed. The proposed model could predict the next foot position under the dynamics of the model, but the trajectory of foot was generated under the ground. Thus, compliant swing leg model was proposed to reproduce swing leg dynamics, but the model only focused on a part of gait cycle, swing phase. Thus, in this study, we proposed a new compliant walking model to reproduce foot trajectory of full gait cycle. We combined compliant walking model and compliant swing leg model, and determined values of model parameter at each phase. Through the simulation, we found a fixed point of the proposed model, and the model could produce continuous trajectories of COM and feet. Moreover, the kinematics of the model well correlated with human data. The demonstration of the foot trajectory during full gait cycle using a simple compliant walking model implies that the springy mechanics framework can explain the dynamics of human gait well.
Keywords : Compliant walking model(탄성 보행 모델), Gait cycle(보행 주기), Foot trajectory(발 궤적)
Paper : Fr08D-2.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: