Session Track
November 02 (Thursday)
바이오 유망과학기술자
- 허윤석(계명대)
의료 시뮬레이션을 위한 물리기반 실시간 변형체 모델링 방법
Recently, virtual reality technology is attracting the attentions as one of key technology of the 4th industrial revolution. This presentation introduces physics-based real-time simulation method which is a key technology for realizing high-quality virtual reality application. Physics-based real-time simulation refers to simulating the behavior of a virtual environment object in real time based on the physical laws of the real world. It is essential for users to feel the virtual environment as a real world, and necessary to enhance user's immersion into the virtual world. Among various type of objects such as rigid bodies, deformable bodies, and fluids, it presents real-time simulation method of deformable bodies. Finite element method, meshfree method, and mass-spring method will be briefly explained. A computational performance enhancement for real-time simulation will be presented. As an application of real-time simulation, several medical simulations including colonoscopy simulation, laparoscopic simulation, and eye surgery simulation will be presented.
Keywords : Virtual reality(가상현실), Real-time simulation(실시간 시뮬레이션), Physics-based simulation(물리기반 시뮬레이션), Medical simulation(의료 시뮬레이션), Deformable object simulation(변형체 시뮬레이션)
Paper : Th08D-1.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: