Session Track
November 01 (Wednesday)
BioMEMS 및 센서
- 이승재(원광대)
틸라코이드와 탄소나노튜브 혼합물의 전기스프레잉 기반 광합성 전류 측정 연구
In the last decades, various solar energy conversion technologies using biological resources such as biomass,
bioethanol, or microbial fuel cell has been introduced. Among these, direct solar-to-electrons conversion from
photosynthesis of photosynthetic components like photosystem I, II and thylakoids has been suggested as a possible
highly efficient solar-to-electrical energy conversion technology. To extract photosynthetic electrons(PEs), spinach
thylakoids were drop casted, or dip coated on an working electrode. However, difficulty of achieving uniform and
controlled coating of thylakoids on electrodes by these methods have been an issue. In this work, we employed
electrospraying technique to coat Au electrodes with aqueous thylakoid solution. Critical parameters of electrospraying
such as thylakoid concentration, applied voltage, distance between a nozzle and the electrode, and spraying duration
were optimized. In addition, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were added to enhance electrical connection among thylakoids
and between thylakoids and a working electrode. Confocal fluorescent and optical microscopy techniques were used to
analyze the morphology of the electrosprayed thylakoids for different sets of operating conditions. Then using a
potensiostat and a three electrodes set-up comprised of a thylakoid coated Au electrode, a Pt mesh as a counter
electrode, and a Ag/Agcl electrode as a reference electrode. Light-triggered currents from the thylakoid/CNT hybrid
electrodes were also monitored with 0.4V bias.
bioethanol, or microbial fuel cell has been introduced. Among these, direct solar-to-electrons conversion from
photosynthesis of photosynthetic components like photosystem I, II and thylakoids has been suggested as a possible
highly efficient solar-to-electrical energy conversion technology. To extract photosynthetic electrons(PEs), spinach
thylakoids were drop casted, or dip coated on an working electrode. However, difficulty of achieving uniform and
controlled coating of thylakoids on electrodes by these methods have been an issue. In this work, we employed
electrospraying technique to coat Au electrodes with aqueous thylakoid solution. Critical parameters of electrospraying
such as thylakoid concentration, applied voltage, distance between a nozzle and the electrode, and spraying duration
were optimized. In addition, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were added to enhance electrical connection among thylakoids
and between thylakoids and a working electrode. Confocal fluorescent and optical microscopy techniques were used to
analyze the morphology of the electrosprayed thylakoids for different sets of operating conditions. Then using a
potensiostat and a three electrodes set-up comprised of a thylakoid coated Au electrode, a Pt mesh as a counter
electrode, and a Ag/Agcl electrode as a reference electrode. Light-triggered currents from the thylakoid/CNT hybrid
electrodes were also monitored with 0.4V bias.
Keywords : CarbonNanoTube(탄소나노튜브), Electrospraying(전기방사), Energy harvesting(에너지 하베스팅), Photosynthesis(광합성)
Paper : We08D-4.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: