Session Track
November 02 (Thursday)
일반기계 및 부품 신뢰성(III)
- 오현석(GIST)
피로 손상 스펙트럼의 수식 유도에 대한 이론적 배경 고찰
FDS is a concept introduced to explain the fatigue accumulation due to vibration. There are many assumptions in the process of derivation of formulas, so there is not a single result, and there are various approaches depending on the situations and various results therefrom. Therefore, it is desirable to understand the derivation process and its theoretical background in order to synthesize the vibration test using FDS or to predict the remaining life. In this paper, from the perspective of ERS to FDS, the theoretical background and the derivation process of mathematics were examined from various perspectives through literature review.
Keywords : Fatigue Damage Spectrum(FDS, 피로 손상 스펙트럼), Extreme Response Spectrum (ERS, 최대 응답 스펙트럼), Power Spectral Density(PSD, 파워 스펙트럴 밀도), Vibration Tests (진동 시험), Random Vibration (랜덤 진동)
Paper : Th09A-3.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: