Session Track
November 03 (Friday)
신재생 및 수소 에너지
- 전유택(현대제철)
순산소 연소용 이온 교환 막 시스템의 수치해석 연구
Since the Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ membranes have the high oxygen permeability, which is widely used for the ion transport membrane(ITM). However, in order for the BSCF membranes to be commercialized as an air separation unit, its stability should be highly enhanced. Many researchers have been focused on the increase of the stability of the BSCF membranes. The performance of the ITM is affected by many geometric and operating parameters. The correlation between the parameters and the performance of the ITM should be investigated for the ITM system optimization.
In this study, a numerical study on the ITM system has been conducted by using the Aspen Plus®. The ITM system is composed of ITM, heat exchanger, heater, cooler, vacuum pump, turbine and compressor. Two dimensional ITM model has been developed to capture the ITM characteristics more accurately. The ITM model has been discretized into 3 control volumes of feed channel, membrane, and permeate channel in the flow perpendicular direction to capture the oxygen transfer rate from the feed side to the permeate side. In order to capture the distribution of the oxygen transfer rate through the ITM, the ITM model has been discretized into 10 control volumes along the air flow direction. The ITM model has been validated by comparison with the published data. The ITM system model has been simulated by varying the pressure of the feed and permeate side.
In this study, a numerical study on the ITM system has been conducted by using the Aspen Plus®. The ITM system is composed of ITM, heat exchanger, heater, cooler, vacuum pump, turbine and compressor. Two dimensional ITM model has been developed to capture the ITM characteristics more accurately. The ITM model has been discretized into 3 control volumes of feed channel, membrane, and permeate channel in the flow perpendicular direction to capture the oxygen transfer rate from the feed side to the permeate side. In order to capture the distribution of the oxygen transfer rate through the ITM, the ITM model has been discretized into 10 control volumes along the air flow direction. The ITM model has been validated by comparison with the published data. The ITM system model has been simulated by varying the pressure of the feed and permeate side.
Keywords : Ion transport membrane(이온 전도성 분리막), Oxygen permeation(산소 침투), Numerical modeling(수치적 모델링), Surface exchange(표면 교환), Bulk diffusion(벌크 확산), Power consumption(동력 소모)
Paper : Fr11B-3.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: