Session Track
November 03 (Friday)
신재생 및 수소 에너지
- 전유택(현대제철)
Numerical investigation of vanadium redox flow battery with varying serpentine flow field dimension
In this paper, we present numerical investigation of the effect of serpentine flow field dimension in a vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) employing an active area of 25 cm^2. The three-dimensional numerical model is developed with varying electrolyte flow rate and flow field dimension of VRFB to capture the complexities of electrochemical reactions and fluid dynamics. The battery voltage, overpotential, pressure drop, voltage efficiency and power-based efficiency has been calculated at the flow rate from 40 ml/min to 100 ml/min and serpentine flow field dimension from 1.9 mm to 9.6 mm. The power-based efficiency of VRFB is demonstrated that when a flow channel is included a reduction in concentration loss resulting in higher battery voltage. The maximum power-based efficiency of a VRFB with serpentine flow field of 3.7 mm is 0.80. The proposed numerical model can be powerful to reasonably predict the VRFB system efficiency. Based on the model, it has shown that including a serpentine flow field of an optimal dimension in the VRFB within a specific flow rate range can be an effective way for improving system efficiency.
Keywords : Vanadium redox flow battery(바나듐 레독스 플로우 배터리), Numerical simulation(수치해석), Electrochemical reaction(전기화학반응), Flow field(유동장), System efficiency(시스템 효율)
Paper : Fr11B-4.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: