Session Track
November 03 (Friday)
- 김병재(충남대)
Taylor-Coutte 결정화기의 입자응집모델 개발
Taylor-Couette Crystallizer (TCC) is a chemical reactor for generating various novel materials in controlled shear stress by Taylor-Couette flow. Recently, TCC is utilized to produce uniform microparticles in Lithium ion battery. However, the entire process of particle growth from nucleation to agglomeration in this equipment is still unclear due to the limited accessibility by experimental techniques. Therefore, it is helpful to predict the process of particle growth by computational methods with real particles, based on fluid-structure interaction methods. In this study, we will demonstrate an IB method, dealing with both Brownian motion and turbulent agglomeration of individual particles in shear flow. For this simulation, a unit cell is prepared as a Taylor vortex to implement an agglomeration model using immersed boundary (IB) method. In the unit cell, transport of aggregates makes several collisions. Then, the agglomeration process is predicted by collision efficiency of seed particles along with hydrodynamic conditions and interactions with particles. For the validation of developed method, we will compare simulation results with theoretical and experimental data. Then, the particle growth in TCC will be fully discussed in the end of the talk.
Keywords : Agglomeration, Taylor-Couette Crystallizer, Immersed Boundary Method
Paper : Fr04B-5.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: