Session Track
November 01 (Wednesday)
유동제어 및 계측(I)/환경유체
- 이정일(아주대)
부속실 댐퍼의 위치선정에 따른 방연풍속에 관한 수치해석적 연구
Vestibule pressurization system should produce uniform air egress velocity to prevent the intrusion of smoke into escape route when fire accidents occur inside a building and fire doors are open for evacuation of people. Air supplying units in the vestibule need to be arranged by taking account of the location of doors and the volume of the vestibule. In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted for the vestibule where two doors are installed varying the location of a damper and louver angle. From numericla analysis, we found that when the damper in the vestibule is located at the center of the wall opposite to two fire doors, the uniform air egress velocity can be obtained.
Keywords : Pressurization system(가압 시스템), Ancillary room(부속실), CFD(전산유체역학), Smoke control(연기제어)
Paper : We04D-4.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: