Session Track
November 02 (Thursday)
환경 및 공해
- 유상석(충남대)
플라즈마 버너의 고속 유동 운전 한계 특성
Plasma burner can maintain the flame in broad Air-Fuel ratio so it has been used in many ways.
In this work, the characteristics of plasma burner on high speed flow rate have been investigated. The
experiment was conducted in different Air- fuel ratio. We found that max voltage is proportional to
flow rate. In other words, the rotating arc becomes longer as flow rate increases. We found that
methane removal rate is inversely proportional to flow rate and proportional to Air-Fuel ratio. The
diameter of pipe can also have effect to methane removal ratio.
In this work, the characteristics of plasma burner on high speed flow rate have been investigated. The
experiment was conducted in different Air- fuel ratio. We found that max voltage is proportional to
flow rate. In other words, the rotating arc becomes longer as flow rate increases. We found that
methane removal rate is inversely proportional to flow rate and proportional to Air-Fuel ratio. The
diameter of pipe can also have effect to methane removal ratio.
Keywords : methane(메탄), rotating arc(회전 아크), O2/C ratio(산화제/연료 비), Methane removal rate(메탄 제거율), flow rate(유속), diameter(직경), Max voltage(최대 전압), RMS current(RMS 전류)
Paper : Th03D-3.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: