Session Track
November 02 (Thursday)
환경 및 공해
- 유상석(충남대)
회전 아크 플라즈마에 의한 프로판 부분 산화 개질 특성
A study was carried out to generate syngas for NOx reduction by propane partial oxidation
reforming with rotating arc plasma. In order to compare the conversion and composition of the
reformed gas, the following two experiments were conducted. (1) The same power of 250W was
supplied to the plasma reactor at O2/C 0.3~0.7. (2) O2/C, which showed the best conversion rate, was
selected in (1), and then 200W to 350W power was applied. Experimental results show that the
optimum O2/C value and the effect of plasma power on the gas reforming. In each case (1) O2/C
was the most efficient at 0.6 and (2) maximum syngas converted to 60% was obtained when 350W
power was supplied. Higher power was better for higher mount of H2/CO in reforming gas.
reforming with rotating arc plasma. In order to compare the conversion and composition of the
reformed gas, the following two experiments were conducted. (1) The same power of 250W was
supplied to the plasma reactor at O2/C 0.3~0.7. (2) O2/C, which showed the best conversion rate, was
selected in (1), and then 200W to 350W power was applied. Experimental results show that the
optimum O2/C value and the effect of plasma power on the gas reforming. In each case (1) O2/C
was the most efficient at 0.6 and (2) maximum syngas converted to 60% was obtained when 350W
power was supplied. Higher power was better for higher mount of H2/CO in reforming gas.
Keywords : Partial Oxidation Reforming(부분 산화 개질), C3H8(프로판), Syngas(합성가스),
Rotating Arc Plasma(회전 아크 플라즈마)
Paper : Th03D-1.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: