Session Track
November 01 (Wednesday)
- 이승준(동국대)
어지럼증에 대한 유체-입자 시뮬레이션 연구
The vestibular systems are very important to balance of body. But some people have vertigo and dizziness caused by vestibular disorder. It is well known how the symptom appears physiologically. The benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) which comes from moving an otolith in endolymph is called as motion sickness. Through the simulation, we can better understand the symptom when otoliths move inside the canal regardness of human body movement. It is enhanced to rehabilitation therapy. In the view of numerical simulation, fluid structural interaction problem is difficult to get a results with a lot of changed mesh needed. So particle tracing method is suitable for this case. In this study, to simulate motion sickness, the freature offered from Particle Tracing Module in COMSOL Multiphysics is used to analysis internal phenomenon and evaluate vestibular system as various conditions. The interfaces is coupled between particles and fluid, so physical phenomenon is simulated particle motion driven by drag and gravity.
Keywords : Motion Sickness(어지럼증), Particle tracing(입자추적기법), COMSOL(콤솔)
Paper : We13C-2.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: