Session Track
November 01 (Wednesday)
- 이승준(동국대)
다중 해상도 골밀도 편차 제한조건과 흑백 필터링 제한조건을 이용한 위상최적설계 기반의 골 미세구조 재구성 방법
Bone microstructure is a result of repeated bone remodeling process that reorients the trabeculae in order to obtain the maximum mechanical strength while preserving the minimum bone mass. Inspired by the self-optimizing capabilities of bone, a new concept of bone microstructure reconstruction based on topology optimization has been recently proposed and demonstrated its conceptual feasibility using 2D synthetic proximal femur images. Although this technique looks promising, it should be investigated in more depth in terms of computational efficiency and clinical feasibility. For this purpose, this paper proposes topology optimization with multi-resolution BMD deviation constraints and a black-and-white filtering constraint to reconstruct a bone microstructure. Using computed tomography scan data of a hip joint, the effect of the imposed constraints was investigated in terms of convergence and phenomenological accuracy, compared with the previous method.
Keywords : Topology optimization(위상최적설계), Finite element analysis(유한요소해석), Bone microstructure(골 미세구조)
Paper : We13B-4.pdf
(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: