November 01 (Wednesday)
  • Chair :
  •  허선철(경상대)
은/구리 하이브리드 잉크의 다층 회로기판에서의 적용을 위한 레올로지 및 광소결 특성에 관한 연구

추지현, 주성준(한양대학교대학원), 김학성(한양대학교)
In this work, rheological property and flash light sintering characteristic of Cu/Ag hybrid-ink were investigated for multi-layered printed circuit board application. Firstly, Cu/Ag hybrid-ink was fabricated with various composition of epoxy content, the fabricated Cu/Ag hybrid-inks were printed to the polyimide (PI) substrates to observe printing characteristics of pattern and via-hole area according to the rheological property of ink. Then, the printed Cu/Ag hybrid-inks were sintered with various flash light sintering condition to observe flash light sintering characteristics. As a result, the optimally fabricated ink showed good printability of pattern and via-hole area, and optimized multi-pulse flash light sintering case exhibited low resistance (0.18 Ohm/cm) and high adhesion strength (5B).
Keywords : printed electronics(인쇄 전자), flash light sintering(광소결), rheology (레올로지), Cu/Ag hybrid-ink (은/구리 하이브리드 잉크)
Paper : We15C-1.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: