November 01 (Wednesday)
  • Chair :
  •  허선철(경상대)
In-situ 파괴역학 실험을 통한 자유지지 그래핀 박막의 파괴 인성에 관한 실험적 연구
장봉균, 김병운(한국기계연구원), 김재현(한국기계연구원 나노기계연구본부), 이학주, 최병익(한국기계연구원)
Graphene is 2-dimensional carbon nanomaterials with sp2 hybrid bondings like graphite, carbon nanotube, and fullerene. Since its isolation methods from graphite were developed, it has been studied by a number of researchers from academic area to engineers developing the applications. Graphene possesses outstanding electrical, thermal, and optical properties. In addition, it has been suggested the applications of flexible electronics and structural materials due to its superior mechanical properties. Especially, fracture characteristics of graphene are significant for the development of graphene-based flexible electronic devices and composite materials. However, fracture characteristics of graphene have not been understood until now, since its thickness of nanoscale makes the specimen fabrication and the mechanical test for characterizing fracture properties. In this study, we developed fracture testing method for graphene freestanding tensile specimen and obtained fracture characteristics by fracture mechanics test in a scanning electron microscope. By in-situ fracture test, we obtained load-displacement curve and in-situ fracture image during the test. Fracture toughness derived from the test results using finite element analysis and discussed the fracture behavior of graphene. This results can contribute a development of various graphene-based applications.
Keywords : Graphene, In-situ fracture test, fracture toughness
Paper : We15C-2.pdf

(사)대한기계학회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 702호, Tel: (02)501-3646~3648, E-mail: